Regd. No. 912 of 1984-1985

Paper Submission
Editorial & Tamplate

Editor in chief

  1. Prof. A.K. Barbara, President ESES & Rtd. Prof. Emeritus, Gauhati University (GU)
  2. Prof. M. Devi, Secretary ESES & Rtd. Professor, Gauhati University Guwahati. Assam. India- 781014


  1. Prof. K. I. Oyama, International Center for Space Weather Study and Education, Kyushu Univrtsity, Fukuora, Japan
  2. Professor Ramesh P. Singh , School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Schmid College of Science and Technology Chapman University, USA
  3. Prof. S.Watanabe, vice president of Hokkaido Information University, Japan
  4. Prof. Masashi Hayakawa, Advanced Wireless communication research Centre The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
  5. Dr. Victor DepuevPushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation. Moscow, 108840, Russia
  6. Dr. Nofel C Larrosas, Kyushu University, Kyudai, Department of Civil   Engineering

  7. Dr. Anna Depueva, IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia
  8. Dr. K. P. RayProfessor, Electronics Engineering Depts, Director School of Radar Technology, DIAT, , Pune, India
  9. Prof. S.K. Sarkar, Former Head RSD, NPL New Delhi, India
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