Editor in chief
- Prof. A.K. Barbara, President ESES & Rtd. Prof. Emeritus, Gauhati University (GU)
- Prof. M. Devi, Secretary ESES & Rtd. Professor, Gauhati University Guwahati. Assam. India- 781014
- Prof. K. I. Oyama, International Center for Space Weather Study and Education, Kyushu Univrtsity, Fukuora, Japan
- Professor Ramesh P. Singh , School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Schmid College of Science and Technology Chapman University, USA
- Prof. S.Watanabe, vice president of Hokkaido Information University, Japan
- Prof. Masashi Hayakawa, Advanced Wireless communication research Centre The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
- Dr. Victor Depuev, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation. Moscow, 108840, Russia
- Dr. Nofel C Larrosas, Kyushu
University, Kyudai, Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. Anna Depueva, IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia
- Dr. K. P. Ray, Professor, Electronics Engineering Depts, Director School of Radar Technology, DIAT, , Pune, India
- Prof. S.K. Sarkar, Former Head RSD, NPL New Delhi, India